Ghaati Movie: Anushka Shetty is doing a movie called 'Ghaati' with director Krish Jagarlamudi. Presented by UV Creations, this movie is produced by Rajeev Reddy and Sai Babu Jagarlamudi. This is the second movie of Anushka and Krish in combination after the blockbuster movie 'Vedham'. This is Anushka's fourth movie under the UV Creations banner. It must be said that the first look released by the makers on the occasion of Anushka's birthday is amazing. In this, Anushka's character presents a stunning and ruthless avatar. In the poster, Anushka is seen bleeding from her head and hands, she is seen with a bindi on her forehead and smoking a banga. It looked stunning. This went viral on social media.
The film is set to release on April 18th next year. Already, 80 percent of the shooting has been completed and the post-production work of the film has also started. Director Krish is preparing to shoot the climax of the film in the next schedule. After the climax shoot is completed, Anushka will also complete the dubbing for her character. This climax shoot is likely to be shot by the end of January. Currently, Anushka is doing a film in Malayalam. Along with that film, Anushka is acting only in the film Ghati. After the release of this film in theaters, it will be released on Amazon. The makers have made this film as a Pan India movie. This film is being jointly produced by First Frame Entertainments and UV Creations banners.