Devara Movie, directed by Koratala Siva, starring Young Tiger NTR and Janhvi Kapoor, has created a tsunami of collections at the box office, gaining a super hit talk. Although it initially received negative talk everywhere it was released, it has made good collections. It has surprised even the trade circles by making more collections than the films released as a Dussehra gift, regardless of the center. Young Tiger's performance, action scenes, and songs have impressed the audience. Tarak fans are in full swing with the success of Devara.
The digital rights of Devara, a popular OTT company, Netflix, have bought it for a huge price. Devara has also made a foray there. It has also been trending on OTT. In this context, there are huge expectations for the sequel of Devara. However, the script work for 'Devara Part-2' has started. Fans have praised NTR's performance in the movie Devara.
This film has been receiving a solid response since its OTT streaming. It is still trending on Netflix. It is noteworthy that this film is trending at the 4th position in the top 10 non-English films globally. It is understandable how impressed the audience is with this film globally. In this film, Janhvi Kapoor plays the heroine, while Saif Ali Khan plays the villain.